
If you work for a media outlet and you're interested in Postcardly, let us know at We'd be happy to answer your questions, give you a chance to try Postcardly out, and help get you better acquainted with what we're doing.

Here's our media kit.

Real Simple
A tool to "simplify your life." —Real Simple
Family Circle
"[Send postcards] with no more effort than sending an email." —Family Circle
Daily Candy
A "family travel essential." —Daily Candy
Postcardly is "elegantly simple."
—Amanda Kooser, CNET
"In our time-crunched society, Postcardly is an amazingly simple way to send a custom photo postcard to those you love." —Kirstin Wilder, Managing Editor, Variety
Seattle Met
2012 Northwest Travel Award Winner —Seattle Met
"Pretty nifty, especially for kids or people like my dad, who can't fathom computers (or really, anyone; who doesn't love receiving a postcard?)." —Laurel Miller, Gadling/AOL Travel
Swiss Miss
"Postcardly is your friend!" —Tina Roth Eisenberg, a.k.a. swissmiss
"Postcardly brings a high-tech twist to the old-fashioned postcard." —John Cook, Geekwire
Cool Mom Picks
"Pretty neat, eh?" —Christina Refford, Cool Mom Tech
Seattle PI
"I absolutely LOVE this! As we all know, anything that requires minimal effort with maximal return is awesome in my book." —Michele Costanza, the Seattle P-I's Sassy City Girl
Seattle's Child
"Leave it to a trio of Seattle guys to launch a service that mails out old-fashioned postcards using photos emailed from your phone or computer." —Seattle's Child
San Antonio
"Postcardly converts your email into a standard postcard with your photo on the front and message on the back, delivered via U.S. mail... it also works for birth announcements, invitations and other mass mailings." —René A. Guzman, San Antonio Express-News

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"I used Postcardly to send a postcard to my husband in Afghanistan, and even though I email him pics all the time, postcards are tangible. And a big hit at 'mail call,' to show off the babies and all that. And it was so easy, click click, done!"
Cori V.

"I sent my dad a Postcardly from Kauai, and he said, 'How do you do this magic?'"
Rob D.

"My son sent a postcardly from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin—so great to have a real photo on real paper with a message. It went right up on my bulletin board at work to be shared with all. So much more meaningful than a purchased postcard! And, quick. He was still in Berlin when his postcardly arrived. Then another arrived from someplace called Curry 36."
Janet H.

"Postcardly has been the greatest thing since sliced bread. My grandmas who don't have Internet rave every month to get a postcard from my 9-month-old son with a new photo."
Lesley K.

"Thank you postcardly for making my life easier. I love to send postcards to my family and friends of my so cute baby girl. I have lots of people in the family that need help even opening an attachment, but now I just send a quick email to Postcardly and days later they have a real postcard with Jessica's wonderful face."
Davita K.

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